A free community resource with two purposes:
1. Educate Arizona citizens on the need for estate planning to protect their families and their legacies.
Why Educate? Most people don’t know the difference between a will and a trust. Also, it’s difficult to understand the pain and cost of probate unless you’ve been through it before. Estate 48 Estate Planning’s mission is to help families and business owners make educated decisions that will protect the interest of their families, finances, and legacies.
2. Matchmaking service to connect readers with Estate Planning Law Firms that specialize in estate planning and are dedicated to serving their customers with the best quality advice.
Why Matchmaking Service? One of the primary goals of an estate plan is to provide financial stability for your family and for business owners to ensure a proper succession plan. If you put your trust in an estate planning website and ‘doc preppers’ that offer $800 estate plans – you may just find that your family still has to go through the time, pain, and insecurity of probate when they are hurting the most.
Trust your family and legacy to a qualified estate planning attorney who will ensure you, your family, and your assets are protected.
Disclaimer: State 48 Estate Planning is not responsible for the performance of estate planning law firms and attorneys.
State 48 Estate Planning may receive a referral fee for matchmaking services.
Protect your family. Protect your legacy.